Turgay Uzer Portfolio
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  2. Turgay Uzer's Portfolio
Pantanal, Brazil
Chimpanzees of Kibale Forest, Uganda
Bat Migration, Kasanka National Park, Zambia
Mana Pools, Zimbabwe
Sahara: Tassili and Tadrart
This young leopard was hiding in the thicket in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia. Despite its shyness, it didn't run away and soon the reason became clear: It had hoisted a kill on the tree which it was checking periodically
Sleek and shy female jaguar "Ti", aka "Ryan" swimming into the Cuiaba river (Brazilian Pantanal) to hunt. Little did she know that a huge male, Dumé, was dozing on a sandbank downstream. She saw him before he saw her, and she quickly crawled on land disappeared in the bushes.
Meet Frost ( aka Misha) and this year's cub. She is the most photographed polar bear on Svalbard and a star on Norwegian TV. She hangs around Longyearbyen which brings her regularly into close contact with people. She may be shot because of that, in fact all her previous litters have been shot! We encountered this pair on the ice shelf on 8 May. She was also photographed close to town eating a reindeer on 1 May. So the outlook for this pair is grim.
Drama in the Corixo Negro ("Black Channel") of the Cuiaba river, July 2022 iin the Brazilian Pantanal. The struggle and kill took place mostly under water. The combatants would surface only occasionally to the two dozen boats directed at them, with everyone jockeying for position and tempers fraying (that's the aspect of jaguar spotting they don't tell you about!). The jaguar had gone for the throat instead of the more usual brain case, and had to struggle hard to kill the caiman. When it finally did, it dragged the corpse into the reeds and we didn't see it again that day.
Medrosa, aka "Amber" (because of the distinctive color of her eyes) is jumping to greet her ravenous cubs after being gone all day hunting, June 2022. She is the hardworking supermom to two almost grown, frisky cubs Rio and Marcela. The family shares the Black Channel of the Cuiaba river in the Brazilian Pantanal with her own mother, Patricia.
This young polar bear cub was torn between curiosity about us in the zodiac and the fast pace of its mother, "Frost", who was trying to run away from a huge male bear. Frost is the most photographed polar bear in Svalbard. Taken on 8 May 2022 on the ice shelf in Svalbard.
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